A Bridge to the South

The timing wasn’t exactly perfect when it was suggested to Shifra Yachnes that she start a group for Jewish women in South Orlando. Shifra, wife of Orlando Torah Center Rabbi Dovid Yachnes, was running her own company, helping her husband with their synagogue for Torah-observant Jews, and was newly pregnant with her fifth child.

But Shifra admits she has always had a passion for reaching out to women and bringing Jewish women together. So, when her friend Sarah Gittleson made the suggestion in 2018, Shifra was willing to listen. In 2016, Sarah had started a similar organization, SPARK, in North Orlando.

“So many women were schlepping from South Orlando to take part in SPARK,” says Shifra, who lives in the Dr. Phillips area. She knew there was a need for such a group on her side of town, but Shifra didn’t think she was up to the task at the time.

That’s when one of the friends Shifra made through SPARK, Laura Waldbaum, encouraged her to get the ball rolling and offered to help. With Laura’s assistance, Shifra started Gesher (Hebrew for bridge), a group formed with the goal of “bridging the women of South Orlando.”

The first thing Shifra did was organize a Momentum trip to Israel in July 2018. Momentum, formerly known as the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, is a global organization that offers subsidized eight-day trips to Israel for young mothers who want to connect with their Jewish values.

Shifra and Laura, acting as the trip’s madricha (Hebrew for leader or guide), selected 10 women for that inaugural trip, and when they returned to Orlando, they had established the foundation for Gesher and formed lasting friendships with each other.

Two of the trip participants were Sarah Siegel and Rachel Butler. In addition to bonding with each other in Israel, the two were so enthralled by the experience that they decided to become a part of Gesher’s leadership. Although they don’t have official titles, Sarah has been acting as Gesher’s communications director and Rachel has taken on the responsibilities of program director.

“The Momentum trip was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done for myself; it was like an eight-day therapy session,” says Sarah, who converted to Judaism in 2014. “When I heard that Shifra wanted to grow Gesher, that was exciting, and I wanted to be a part of it.”

“This is my family in Florida,” adds Rachel, who moved here from Massachusetts in 2015. “I don’t have any family nearby. Now, with Gesher, I have this group of ladies who are here for me, no matter what.”

The love that these women have for each other was evident at a recent gathering on Sukkot. About a dozen women – and a couple of men – gathered under the sukkah behind the Orlando Torah Center to enjoy some wine, cheese, desserts, and lively conversation. Rabbi Yachnes also led a brief discussion about the history of the holiday.

Among the women at the gathering were Sandrine Farache, Irma Moreno, and Blake Urbach. The three will be part of Gesher’s next group of women to make the Momentum trip to Israel in December.

Gesher, which is open to women of all ages and all Jewish denominations, has at least one social gathering every month, including its popular Challah Bakes at the Orlando Torah Center. The last one was sold out; the next one is on December 5. Gesher is also involved in volunteer work, such as a recent project with Give Kids the World.

“The thought process is to do a Challah Bake every month and do something fun that’s a bonding experience,” says Sarah. “I’m inspired and excited to see that every event has had more people show up, and everybody has such a great time. It’s contagious, and the word is getting out.”

Shifra and Laura beam with pride when they talk about the amazing friendships that have formed in such a short period of time.

“I love watching the women of South Orlando bond and become their own community,” says Laura, who lives in Heathrow. “For me, there’s a sense of pride. It really has been incredible.”

Shifra, who says she wouldn’t have had the guts to do this without Laura’s help, is thrilled to see the women of South Orlando coming together in faith and friendship.

“We want Gesher to be this safe place for women to feel accepted and purposeful,” Shifra says. “We want women to feel that they have a place to go to form friendships, to have a place of support during hard times and challenges, and have a place to learn more about Torah values. We truly believe that empowering a Jewish woman is empowering the world, because there’s a ripple effect in her family and community, and it goes on into infinity.”