Focus on Steffanie Rigetta Farmers Insurance

by Samantha Taylor

Raise your hand if you, like me, got your homeowner’s insurance bill in the mail this year and had a minor heart attack. My insurance bill nearly doubled from one year to the next, causing my mortgage payment to go up significantly. I was not happy. I decided to call Steffanie Rigetta, a Farmers Insurance agent and a longtime Altamonte-Wekiva Springs Life advertiser, to see if she could help me.

It was the best phone call I ever made.

Not only did Steffanie reduce my insurance costs to less than what they were before the increase, but she took the time to educate me about why I was able to save when rates everywhere else are skyrocketing. A few years ago, we put a new roof on our home, but it never occurred to me to report the new roof to my insurance company. If I had, I would have been saving money all along, but I didn’t have an insurance agent like Steffanie to guide me.

Steffanie was about to save my wallet again. When we applied for the Farmers Insurance policy, the company’s underwriters saw something about water damage associated with my house, and the application nearly died then and there. About a year ago, after a crazy Florida rainstorm, some rainwater seeped into my daughter’s room. I’d called my previous insurance company to inquire about a claim, but before we went through with it, the water dried up, and we moved on with life. Well, thanks to that phone call, the dreaded words water damage were now figuratively stamped on my house. Steffanie told me to call my previous carrier back, and she let me know exactly what to do and what to say. My old carrier changed the purpose of the year-old call from water damage to weather damage, and suddenly all was well. Steffanie moved heaven and earth to get my Farmers policy approved. This woman knows her business.

Steffanie is smart and knowledgeable, but she’s also delightful and fun to talk to. It’s a winning combination that has served her well. Recently, she was named to the prestigious Farmers Insurance Presidents Council, meaning she is in the top one percent of Farmers agents nationwide.

Steffanie’s growing team doesn’t only handle homeowner’s insurance, they also write auto, umbrella, life, boat, motorcycle, and renters policies.

“I love helping people insure what matters most to them,” says Steffanie. “It is my privilege to work with clients who trust me to help them navigate the insurance world. It’s what I love to do.”